
Friday, March 17, 2017

Stage 8: Challenge 1-4

Challenge 1: Input from Phone Sensors, all that needs to be known to figure out if it's Halloween or not would be the date and possibly location. The app will output a notification that it's Halloween and possibly a picture image once the app is open.

Challenge 2: Input from Phone Sensors: To determine whether someone is at school or not, the microphone would need to pick up a lot of noise, the phone to be moving quickly or still for continuous periods of time, and a camera test should show all black since the phone would be in the user's bag. The app will output to mute the phone.

Challenge 3: User Input: To find out what to wear in the morning the app needs to know what it's options of clothing are. The planned activities for the day also help determine whether the user is going on a field trip, where they would wear something more casual, versus having dinner with grandparents where they might need to wear something nicer.

Challenge 4: User Input: To figure out what movie the user would enjoy the most, the app will need to know more about the user's personality and other shows/movies they have enjoyed so it can match a movie to their liking's. Also their grade level can help narrow down the options canceling out kids movies and more adult movies they aren't old enough to watch.

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